
A comparative study on Arc‑ and vacuum induction‑melting for Ti16.6Zr16.6Hf16.6Co10Ni20Cu20 high entropy shape memory Alloy Production
C. Hinte, A. Fantin, K. Barienti, S. Herbst, J. Frenzel, G. Eggeler, HJ. Maier
Discover Materials 4.1 (2024) 84
Assessing the properties of biodegradable magnesium alloy AZ31 protected by a polymer layer on a plasma electrolytic oxidized (PEO) surface
V. Khalili, H. Ghaleh, H. Namdar Asl, D. Ege, B. Dikici, M. Kaseem, M. Breisch, J. Frenzel, G. Eggeler
Surface & Coatings Technology 487 (2024) 131002
Microstructure based model for creep of single crystal superalloys in the high temperature and low stress creep regime
V. Mohles, Y. Jiang, I. Steinbach, I. Roslyakova, D. Bürger, G. Eggeler
Materials Science & Engineering: A 909 (2024) 146780
Misfit and the Mechanism of High Temperature and Low Stress Creep of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys
A. B. Parsa, D. Bürger, T. M. Pollock, G. Eggeler
Acta Materialia 264 (2024) 119576
Yield stress anomaly and creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys – Role of particle size
A.B. Parsa, M. Sirrenberg, D. Bürger, M.J. Mills, A. Dlouhy, G. Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 899 (2024) 146403
High-throughput approach for investigating interdiffusion in medium- and high-entropy alloys
M. Rajkowski, A. Durand, JR. Morris, G. Eggeler, G. Laplanche
J. Appl. Phys. 135 (2024) 175101
An Optimized Stereo Digital Image Correlation Setup Based on Parfocal Zoom Lenses for Full‑Field Measurements at 0.5–2× Magnification
E. Sarvari, A. Ahadi, G. Eggeler, J. Frenzel
Experimental Mechanics 64 (2024) 1385–1405
Effect of stacking fault energy on the thickness and density of annealing twins in recrystallized FCC medium and high-entropy alloys
M. Schneider, J.-P. Couzinie, A. Shalabi, F. Ibrahimkhel, A. Ferrari, F. Körmann, G. Laplanche
Scripta Materialia 240 (2024) 115844
Temperature‑Controlled Laser Processing of Shape Memory Wires: Spherical Ends as Connectors for System Integration
M. Schuleit, Y. Kutlu, B. Maaß, N. Stötzel, J. Frenzel, C. Esen, G. Eggeler, A. Ostendorf
Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 10 (2024) 225–236
Diffusion of small-size aliphatic alcohols and the chemical actuation of shape memory polyurethane
Y. Shen, H. Dumlu, F. Varnik, G. Eggeler, K. Neuking
Smart Mater. Struct. 33 (2024) 075021
Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue of a single crystal Ni-base superalloy
M. Sirrenberg, D. Bürger, S. Guth, T. Babinský, P. Thome, A.B. Parsa, G. Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 910 (2024) 146851
The High Temperature Strength of Single Crystal Ni‐base Superalloys – Re‐visiting Constant Strain Rate, Creep, and Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing
M. Sirrenberg, T. Babinský, D. Bürger, S. Guth, A.B. Parsa, P. Thome, A. Dlouhý, M.J. Mills, G. Eggeler
Adv Eng Mater (2024) 2400368
Annealing-induced hardening in single-phase FCC, equiatomic CrCoNi and non-equiatomic CrCoNiMo medium-entropy alloys
Y. Xiao, Y. Li, A. Kostka, M. Rajkowski, M. Schneider, G. Eggeler, G. Laplanche
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 30 (2024) 4762-4776