High Temperature Plasticity

Creep is the time-dependent plastic deformation of materials. The creep rate features a high stress (power law) and temperature dependence (Arrhenius type). We have a creep laboratory, where we can characterize the creep behavior of high-temperature materials. We can produce precisely pre-deformed material states, which are needed to investigate the evolution of microstructure during creep. Moreover, we are interested in new specimen geometries (miniature tensile creep specimens, double shear specimens, tensile specimens with circular notches). Toward the end of the reporting period, David Bürger became head of the creep laboratory that consists of eight creep machines and one constant strain rate machine. A number of research projects are presently running in the creep lab. Oliver Horst performs experiments in support of the alloy development in SFB/TR 103. Julian Hunfeld and Larissa Heep investigate the creep behavior of new high-temperature alloys in projects with industry partners. David Bürger runs a couple of test programs related to the creep work in SFB/TR 103.
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