
Yield stress anomaly and creep of single crystal Ni-base superalloys – Role of particle size
A.B. Parsa, M. Sirrenberg, D. Bürger, M.J. Mills, A. Dlouhy, G. Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 899 (2024) 146403
Misfit and the Mechanism of High Temperature and Low Stress Creep of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys
A. B. Parsa, D. Bürger, T. M. Pollock, G. Eggeler
Acta Materialia 264 (2024) 119576
Effect of stacking fault energy on the thickness and density of annealing twins in recrystallized FCC medium and high-entropy alloys
M. Schneider, J.-P. Couzinie, A. Shalabi, F. Ibrahimkhel, A. Ferrari, F. Körmann, G. Laplanche
Scripta Materialia 240 (2024) 115844
The High Temperature Strength of Single Crystal Ni‐base Superalloys – Re‐visiting Constant Strain Rate, Creep, and Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing
M. Sirrenberg, T. Babinský, D. Bürger, S. Guth, A.B. Parsa, P. Thome, A. Dlouhý, M.J. Mills, G. Eggeler
Adv Eng Mater (2024) 2400368
Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue of a single crystal Ni-base superalloy
M. Sirrenberg, D. Bürger, S. Guth, T. Babinský, P. Thome, A.B. Parsa, G. Eggeler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 910 (2024) 146851
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