
Precipitation of Ni4Ti3 variants in a polycrystalline Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy
O.Bojda, G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhy
Scripta Mat., 53 (2005) pp. 99-104
On the Relation between Carbide Density and Grain Boundary Character in Tempered Martensite Ferritic Steels
A.Dronhofer, J.Pesicka, G.Eggeler
steel research, 76 (2005) pp. 656-659
Boron segregation and creep in ultra-fine grained tempered martensite ferritic steels
G.Eggeler, A.Dlouhy
Z. Metallkd., 96 (2005) pp. 743-748
On the effect of aging on martensitic phase transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
G.Eggeler, J.Khalil-Allafi, S.Gollerthan, Ch.Somsen, W.Schmahl, D.Sheptyakov
Smart Mat. Struct., 14 (2005) pp. 186-189
Metallkundliche Untersuchungen zu den Strukturbildungs-Prozessen bei der schmelzmetallurgischen Herstellung von NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen
J.Frenzel, Z.Zhang, Ch.Somsen, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Prakt.Met. Sonderbd. 37 (2005) pp. 201-206
Ferroic materials and anomalous strains
Z. Metallkd., 96 (2005) pp. 316-324
Werkstoffe - Fragen und Antworten
E. Hornbogen, N. Jost, H. Haddenhorst
5. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin
Surface Upheavals, Pseudo Martensite and Martensite Ghosts
Prakt.Met., 42 (2005) 9, pp. 445-454
The Potential of Powder Metallurgy for the Fabrication of Biomaterials on the Basis of Nickel-Titanium: A Case Study with a Staple Showing Shape Memory Behaviour
L.Krone, J.Mentz, M.Bram, H.-P.Buchkremer, D.Stöver, M.Wagner, G.Eggeler, D.Christ, S.Reese, D.Bogdanski, M.Köller, S.A.Esenwein, G.Muhr, O.Prymak, M.Epple
Adv. Eng. Mat., 7 (2005) pp. 613-619
MEMS tools for combinatorial materials pro-cessing and high-throughput characterization
A.Ludwig, J.Cao, J.Brugger, I.Takeuchi
Meas. Sci. Technol., 16 (2005) pp. 111-118
Miniature Specimen Creep Testing of a Single Crystal Superalloy with Additions of Re
G.Mälzer, A.Kostka, G.Eggeler, S.Reese, Th.Mack
TMS Letters, 2 (2005) pp. 27-28
Polymer/NiTi-composites: Fundamental Aspects, Processing and Properties
K.Neuking, A.Abu-Zarifa, S.Youcheu-Kemtchou, G.Eggeler
Adv. Eng. Mat., 7 (2005) pp. 1014-1023
Studie zum Werkstoffverhalten von Überhitzerrohren bei Abreinigung mit Dampf und Wasser im Betrieb (Werkstoffe: 13 CrMo 44 und 10 CrMo 910)
K.-G.Tak, G.Eggeler
Studie für die RWE Power AG (Kraftwerk Niederaußen), Lehrstuhl Werkstoffwissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, August 2005
On the formation of martensite in front of cracks in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys
X.M.Wang, Y.F.Wang, A.Baruj, G.Eggeler, Z.F.Yue
Mat. Sci. Eng., A394 (2005) pp. 393-398
Pseudoelastic cycling of ultra-fine-grained NiTi shape-memory wires
A.Yawny, M.Sade, G.Eggeler
Z. Metallkd., 96 (2005) pp. 608-618
On the Reaction between NiTi Metals and Crucible Graphite during Vacuum Induction Melting of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys
Z.Zhang, J.Frenzel, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
Acta Mat., 53 (2005) pp. 3971-3985
On the formation of TiC crystals during processing of NiTi shape memory alloys
Z.Zhang, J.Frenzel, Ch.Somsen, J.Pesicka, K.Neuking, G.Eggeler
In: Trends in Crystal Growth Res., Ed.: G.V.Karas (2005) pp. 71-99
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