
Effect of Al, Ti and C additions on Widmanstätten microstructures and mechanical properties of cast Al0.6CoCrFeNi compositionally complex alloys
A.Asabre, A.Kostka, O.Stryzhyboroda, J.Pfetzing-Micklich, U.Hecht, G.Laplanche
Materials & Design, 184 (2019) 108201
Data regarding the influence of Al, Ti, and C additions to as-cast Al0.6CoCrFeNi compositionally complex alloys on microstructures and mechanical properties
A.Asabre, J.Pfetzing-Micklich, O.Stryzhyboroda, A.Kostka, U.Hecht, G.Laplanche
Data in Brief, 27 (2019) 104742
Creep properties of single crystal superalloys (SX): A comparison between conventionally cast and additive manufactured CMSX-4 materials
D.Bürger, A.B.Parsa, M.Ramsperger, C.Körner, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng. A 762 (2019) 138098
Reconciling experimental and theoretical data in the structural analysis of Ti-Ta shape-memory alloys
A.Ferrari, P.M.Kadletz, T.Chakraborty, K.Y.Liao, D.Langenkaemper, Y.Motemani, A.Paulsen, Y.Lysogorskiy, J.Frenzel, J.Rogal, A.Ludwig, C.Somsen, R.Drautz, W.W.Schmahl
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 5 (2019) pp. 6-15
Discovery of ω-free high-temperature Ti-Ta-X shape memory alloys from first-principles calculations
A.Ferrari, A.Paulsen, D.Langenkämpger, D.Piorunek, C.Somsen, J.Frenzel, J.Rogal, G.Eggeler, R.Drautz
Phys. Review Materials 3 (2019) 103605, 8 pages
On Crystal Mosaicity in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloys
P.Hallensleben, F.Scholz, P.Thome, H.Schaar, I.Steinbach, G.Eggeler, J.Frenzel
Crystals 9 (3) (2019) pp. 1-19 (doi: 10.3390/cryst9030149)
On the rejuvenation of crept Ni-Base single crystal superalloys (SX) by hot isostatic pressing (HIP)
O.M.Horst, B.Ruttert, D.Bürger, L.Heep, H.Wang, A.Dlouhy, W.Theisen, G.Eggeler
Mat. Sci. Eng. A 758 (2019) pp. 202-214
Repair of Ni-based single-crystal superalloys using vacuum plasma spray
T.Kalfhaus, M.Schneider, B.Ruttert, D.Sebold, T.Hammerschmidt, J.Frenzel, R.Drautz, W.Theisen, G.Eggeler, O.Guillon, R.Vassen
Materials and Design 168 (2019) 107656
Impact of Heating-Cooling Rates on the Functional Properties of Ti-20Ta-5Al High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
P.Krooß, C.Lauhoff, D.Langenkämper, A.Paulsen, A.Reul, S.Degener, B.Aminforoughi, J.Frenzel, C.Somsen, W.W.Schmahl, G.Eggeler, H.J.Maier, T.Niendorf
Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 5 (2019) pp. 95-105
On the Oxidation Behavior and Its Influence on the Martensitic Transformation of Ti-Ta High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
D.Langenkämper, A.Paulsen, C.Somsen, J.Frenzel, G.Eggeler
Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 5 (2019) pp. 63-72
Temperature dependence of elastic moduli in a refractory HfNbTaTiZr high-entropy alloy
G.Laplanche, P.Gadaud, L.Perrière, I.Guillot, J.P.Couzinié
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 799 (2019) pp 538-545
Effect of nanometric gamma'-particles on the stress-induced martensitic transformation in < 001 >-oriented Co49Ni21Ga30 shape memory alloy single crystals
C.Lauhoff, A.Reul, D.Langenkaemper, P.Krooss, C.Somsen, M.J.Gutmann, I.Kireeva, Y.I.Chumlyakov, W.W.Schmahl, T.Niendorf
Scripta Mater. 168 (2019) pp. 42-46
Composition of the nanosized orthorhombic O'-phase and its direct transformation to fine alpha during ageing in metastable beta-Ti alloys
T.Li, M.J.Lai, A.Kostka, S.Salomon, S.Y.Zhang, C.Somsen, M.S.Dargusch, D.Kent
Scripta Mater. 170 (2019) pp. 183-188
Columnar to equiaxed transition and grain refinement of cast CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy by microalloying with titanium and carbon
X.W.Liu, G.Laplanche, A.Kostka, S.G.Fries, J.Pfetzing-Micklich, G.Liu, E.P.George
J. of Alloys and Compounds 775 (2019) pp. 1068-1076
Stress-induced formation of TCP phases during high temperature low cycle fatigue loading of the single-crystal Ni-base superalloy ERBO/1
C.Meid, M.Eggeler, P.Watermeyer, A.Kostka, T.Hammerschmidt, R.Drautz, G.Eggeler, M.Bartsch
Acta Materialia 168 (2019) 343-352
On the evolution of dislocation cell structures in two Al-alloys (Al-5Mg and Al-11Zn) during reciprocal sliding wear at high homologous temperatures
A.B.Parsa, M.Walter, W.Theisen, D.Eggeler, G.Eggeler
Wear 418-419 (2019) pp. 1-12
A kinetic study on the evolution of martensitic transformation behavior and microstructures in Ti-Ta high-temperature shape-memory alloys during aging
A.Paulsen, J.Frenzel, D.Langenkaemper, R.Rynko, P.Kadletz, L.Grossmann,W.W.Schmahl, C.Somsen, G.Eggeler
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 5 (2019) pp. 16-31
Effect of Temperature and Texture on Hall-Petch Strengthening by Grain and Annealing Twin boundaries in the MnFeNi Medium-Entropy Alloy
M.Schneider, F.Werner, D.Langenkämper,C. Reinhart, G.Laplanche
Metals 2019, 9, 84; doi: 10.3390/met9010084
Benchmark dataset of the effect of grain size on strength in the single-phase FCC CrCoNi medium entropy alloy
M.Schneider, E.P.George, T.J.Manescau, T.Zalezak, J.Hunfeld, A.Dlouhy, G.Eggeler, G.Laplanche
Data in brief 27 (2019) 104592
Precipitation Hardenable High Entropy Alloy for Tooling Applications
O.Stryzhyboroda, U.Hecht, V.T.Witusiewicz, G.Laplanche, A.Asabre, M.B.Wilms, A.Weisheit
MRS Advances 4 (2019) pp. 1427-1433
Ni-base superalloy single crystal (SX) mosaicity characterized by the Rotation Vector Base Line Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (RVB-EBSD) method
P.Thome, S.Medgalchi, J.Frenzel, J.Schreuer, G.Eggeler
Ultramicroscopy 206 (2019) 112817
On the onset of deformation twinning in the CrFeMnCoNi high entropy alloy using a novel tensile specimen geometry
K.V.S.Thurston, A.Hohenwarter, G.Laplanche, E.P.George, B.Gludovatz, R.O.Ritchie
Intermetallics 110 (2019) 106469
Temperature and load-ratio dependent fatigue-crack growth in the CrMrFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
K.V.S.Thurston, B.Gludowatz, Q.Yu, G.Laplanche, E.P.George, R.O.Ritchie
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 794 (2019) pp. 525-533
Effect of Nb on improving the impact toughness of Mo-containing low-alloyed steels
H.C.Wang, C.Somsen, Y.L.Li, S.G.Fries, E.Detemple, G.Eggeler
J.Mater.Sci., Springer-Verlag,
Strength of hydrogen-free and hydrogen-doped Ni50Ti50 shape memory platelets
A.Weiser, V.Bursikova, M.Jary, P.Dymacek, J.Dugacek, J.Frenzel, J.Cermak, A.Dlouhy
Scripta Mater. 162 (2019) pp. 151-155