Transmission Electron Microscopy of Crystal Defects II

(Prof. Dr. Antonin Dlouhy)

This lecture addresses advanced students of Materials Science and Engineering who are familiar with the basics of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and apply TEM in their research. The lecture consists of blocks that are limited to a maximum of four students. A significant part of the lecturing is performed directly at the TEM. The lecture provides the basic knowledge of how to operate an advanced TEM. One primary objective of the course is to teach how defined image contrasts can be established. As a start, the physical origin of diffraction patterns and of Kikuchi line diffraction patterns in crystalline TEM foils is discussed. Students learn how to orient single crystals using Kikuchi maps for tilting. After having participated in the lecture, they are able to establish well-defined contrast conditions required to identify parameters that characterize dislocation substructures, like Burgers vectors of dislocations and dislocation densities. Moreover, an introduction to modern analytical TEM is given and the potential of local chemical analysis of complex microstructures using EDX, micro diffraction and Z-contrast is discussed. The training blocks are offered in the winter and the summer semester. There is only a limited number of spots available. Priority is given to students and researchers of the Institute for Materials who need TEM for their research.
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