Miscellaneous / Honours and Awards

Hsun Lee Lecture Award from the Institute for Metals Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Shenyang Branch (2013)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler was honored with the Hsun Lee Lecture Award by the Institute for Metals Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Shenyang Branch). He obtained this prestigious award for his manifold contributions to the understanding of the relations between the microstructure and the functional and structural properties of advanced engineering materials. Following the award ceremony, Prof. Eggeler reviewed the field
of structural and functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys and presented new results. During his stay at IMR/Shenyang, Prof. Eggeler was also asked to present the research objectives of the new Bochum/Erlangen DFG funded collaborative research center SFB/Transregio 103, on single crystal Ni and Co based super alloys, which he leads as a director (homepage: www.sfb-transregio103.de). After having been nominated as an adjunct professor by the State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Strenght of the Jiaotong University, Xian in 2009, the Hsun Lee Lecture Award represents the second prestigious recognition for Gunther Eggeler by Chinese colleagues.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler receives the Hsun Lee Lecture Award from the Institute for Metals Research (IMR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shenyang Branch)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler was honored with the Hsun Lee Lecture Award by the Institute for Metals Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shenyang Branch). He obtained this prestigious award for his
manifold contributions to the understanding of the relations between the microstructure and the functional and structural properties of advanced engineering materials. Following the award ceremony, Prof. Eggeler reviewed the field of structural and functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys and presented new results. During his stay at IMR/Shenyang, Prof. Eggeler was also asked to present the research objectives of the new Bochum/Erlangen DFG funded collaborative research center SFB/Transregio 103, on single crystal Ni and Co based super alloys, which he leads as a director (homepage: www.sfb-transregio103.de). After having been nominated as an adjunct professor by the State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Strenght of the Jiaotong University, Xian in 2009, the Hsun Lee Lecture Award represents the second prestigious recognition for Gunther Eggeler by Chinese colleagues.

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (2011)
In 2011, Frederik Otto applied for and won a two year Feodor Lynen Scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He will spend this time
in the Materials Science and Technology Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where Prof. Easo Geoerge acts as his host.

Gebrüder Eickhoff-Award (2011)
In 2011, Deniz Kurumlu was awarded the Gebrüder Eickhoff Award for the best doctoral thesis of 2010, by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Georg Sachs Award (2011)
Dr.-Ing. Jan Frenzel received the Georg Sachs Award at the DGM Day in Dresden on 15.6.2011. This award honours activities which are related to practical applications of materials research. The award is sponsored by the German Stifterverband and the Austrian Fachverband Metallindustrie. Jan Frenzel obtained the award for his contribution to the field of ingot metallurgy of NiTi shape memory alloys.

SMST Board (2011)
In December 2011, Jan Frenzel has been elected as a board member of the International Organization for Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST). Jan Frenzel supports the organization of the SMST conferences, which are held alternatingly in the US, Asia and Europe. The SMST conference represents a well-balanced forum where scientists and engineers present
both application-related and fundamental research on shape memory alloys.

Academy of Excellence for Young Materials Scientists (2010)
Within the framework of the Excellence Initiative for young materials scientists set up by the German Research Society, Dr.-Ing. Janine Pfetzing- Micklich won a project which finances her position for a period of three years. In addition to funding for staff, physical resources and the means
for periods of research outside of Germany have also been provided.

Extraordinary Professorship for Transmission Electron Microscopy of Engineering Materials (2010)
For many years now, Antonin Dlouhy has been collaborating with us in common research activities. For over ten years he has been introducing undergraduates and doctoral students to advanced methods of transmission electron microscopy, in his capacity as adjunct lecturer in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In August of 2010 he was awarded an Extraordinary Professorship by the Vice-Chancellor of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, with the title of Electron Microscopy of Engineering Materials.

Max Planck Fellow (2010)
In May 2010, the good collaboration between the Chair for Materials Science and Engineering and the Max Planck Institute of Iron Research in Düsseldorf was further reinforced. G. Eggeler was appointed by the Max Planck Society to the position of Max Planck Fellow for a period of five years. At the MPI for Iron Research, he now directs his own High Temperature Materials research group. The group has been furnished with its own budget and its own staff positions by the Max Planck Society. In Düsseldorf, Aleksander Kostka, who previously worked with G. Eggeler at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, is member of the group and directs the research work carried out onsite.

ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation (2010)

In 2010, Dr.-Ing. Janine Pfetzing-Micklich was awarded the ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation. She received this award for her research on nanoindentation of NiTi shape memory alloys.

Molecular Dynamic Modelling of the Martensitic Transformation
We are very pleased to be able to report on a noteworthy success at our Chair - the habilitation of Dr.-Ing. Oliver Kastner, who as the only theoretician at the Chair for Materials Science and Engineering presented an excellent habilitation on the molecular dynamic simulation of the martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys. This piece of work has been the subject of tremendous demand. Mr. Kastner obtained the funds necessary for carrying out his scientific work from the German Research Society (DFG) with his own projects. As the Director of the scientific seminar of the collaborative research centre on shape memory technology (SFB459) he played a key role in securing the resources for its fourth phase of funding.

Start-Up Competitions (2009 and 2010)
Ingpuls GmbH, a spin-off of the Institute for Materials, took part in and
won two start-up competitions promoting the establishment of new companies. The object of the competitions was to develop a company concept in the
form of a business plan which competed against other entries and was judged by a jury of experts consisting of participants from research, industry and finance. In October 2009, Ingpuls took the third place in an internal Bochum University competition ruhr@ venture 2009 and was awarded 5,000€. A further success followed in May 2010, when Ingpuls GmbH took first place in a nationwide start-up competition called Senkrechtstarter 2010 in which over 300 participants took part, submitting 59 business plans; this time, they won 15.000€. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ingpuls most heartily and wish them all the best for the future. In September 2010 the Ingpuls founders were moreover awarded the transfer award of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (remuneration: 5.000€).

Materialography Prize of the DGM (2009)
At the Materialography Conference 2009 in Aachen, Norbert Lindner, Materialography Technician, at the Institute for Materials at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum was awarded the Materialography Prize of the German Society for Materials (DGM) for his multifaceted commitment to Materialography. He received this prize in recognition of his contributions to materials development and to failure analysis. Norbert Lindner's duties include supervision of the entire field of scanning electron microscopy at the Institute for Materials as well as for working on cases of damage and failure - an area where he has become a much sought-after expert.

Appointment to the Technical University of Chemnitz (2009)
In the autumn of 2009, Martin F.-X. Wagner received a call to a Professorship for Materials Technology at the Technical University of Chemnitz. Martin Wagner took up work in Chemnitz in April 2010. As far as we know, at
the age of 30 he is the youngest scientist to have achieved this in the field of Materials Science. We wish him all the best for his work in Chemnitz.

Academy of Sciences NRW (2008)
In April 2008, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler was nominated a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences.

Acta Student Award (2008)
Marcus Young was awarded by Acta Materialia. He received the Acta Student
Award as first author of the publication "Load partitioning during
compressive loading of a Mg/MgB2 composite" (Acta Mat. 55, 2007: 3467-3478).

Wiley VCH Poster Prize (2008)
Dipl.- Ing. Dennis Peter and his co-authors (G.B. Viswanathan, M. F.-X. Wagner and G. Eggeler) were awarded the Wiley VCH Poster Prize at the European Conference Materials Science and Engineering in September 2008 in Nurnberg. The poster depicts a micro-structural piece of work on the extrusion and creep of TiAl alloys.

ICAMS (2006-2008)
We were not entirely uninvolved in winning the new ICAMS Modelling Institute (Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation). The object was, in competition with other universities, to win ICAMS for the Ruhr-Universität. We assisted in formulating the bid that was submitted
by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We ran meetings with all of the materials scientists at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum who needed to support this step. We attended all of the contract negotiations. We prepared the application to the state of North Rhine Westphalia for funding for ICAMS. And we were able to assist in ensuring that the three ICAMS professors
were appointed in a timely manner. In addition, we also helped during the
ICAMS commissioning phase. We are therefore most pleased to see that today, ICAMS is operating very successfully as an independent unit, with a high international profile.

The Adam Opel Award (2008)
The Adam Opel Award, conferred jointly by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Adam Opel AG and endowed with 3000€ was awarded to three winners in 2008, one of whom was Deniz Kurumlu from our Chair for Materials Science and Engineering for his diploma thesis entitled "Production and Characterisation of NiTiAg Shape Memory Thin Films". Deniz Kurumlu passed his diploma examination with the overall mark of "with distinction".

The Young College of the North Rhine Westphalian Academy of the Sciences and the Arts (2007)
At the beginning of 2007, Martin F.-X. Wagner was admitted to the newly-founded Young College of the North Rhine Westphalian Academy of the Sciences and the Arts, as one of 13 young scientists.

Heisenberg Professorship and a new Professorship at the Institute for Materials (2007)
Alfred Ludwig successfully applied to the German Research Society (DFG) and won permission to set up a Heisenberg Professorship. Today, a W3 Professor with his own Chair, he is a member of the Institute for Materials, where he is responsible for the field of Materials for Micro Technology. His position as professor was for several years financed by the German Research Association (DFG). In the summer of 2011, Alfred Ludwig officially succeeded Prof. M. Pohl, who then retired from active service.

Director of an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group (2007)
Martin F.-X. Wagner met with success when he applied to the German Research Association (DFG) for an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group. On 26th January 2007, in the DFG Materials Science and Technology Forum, he presented his application which was subsequently accepted; the subject was Twinning in Metallic Materials. The project runs for a period of five years and is endowed with a total volume of 1.5 million euros, providing four positions for scientists, three student assistants, minor equipment, consumables, travel expenses and publication costs. Martin Wagner's Emmy Noether Junior Research Group started work at the beginning of 2007.

ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation (2007)
In July 2007, Dennis Peter and Lars Köllner were awarded the ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation for their project work on the Characterisation of Structures and Precipitation Behaviour in Duplex Steels. The presentation of the prize took place during an excursion to the ThyssenKrupp shipyard Blom und Voss in Hamburg.

Tammann Commemorative Coin (2005)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Eggeler was distinguished by the German Society for Materials (DGM) for his work on the relationship between microstructure and material properties and for his achievements with and within SFB 459 (research center on shape memory technology) with the Tammann commemorative coin.

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (2005)
In 2005, Martin F.-X. Wagner applied for and won a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This type of scholarship stipulates that a former Humboldt recipient acts as host. Michael Mills from the Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) hosted Martin Wagner, who spent 2006 at the Materials Science and Engineering Department of The Ohio State University.

Gert Massenberg Prize (2004)

Dr.-Ing. G. Kausträter was awarded the Gert Massenberg Prize 2003 for his outstanding thesis "A contribution to the creep behavior of short-fiber reinforced aluminum alloys" at the Ruhr University Bochum.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Eggeler was elected as a referee for Materials Science for the German Research Society (DFG) from April 1999 to March 2004. Since April he is elected as a member of the advisory council for Materials Science and Technology of the German Research Society (DFG). The members of the SFB459 Shape Memory Technology selected him in January 2000 to be the speaker for SFB459.

Adam Opel Prize (2003)
Dipl.Ing. M. Wagner was awarded the Adam Opel Prize for the best Diploma in the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering.

ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation (2002)
Dr.-Ing. J. Kh.-Allafi was rewarded for his work in multi-level martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys with the ThyssenKrupp Prize for Materials Innovation.

ICSMA (International Conference on Strength of Materials)
In summer 1997 Dr. Eggeler was elected into the scientific committee of ICSMA (International Conference on the Strength of Materials). In summer 2003, at ICSMA 13 in Budapest, he was elected vice chairman of the ICSMA committee. He will remain as such until 2006, when he takes over as chairman of the scientific committee from Prof. Dr. Jean Luc Martin at ICSMA 14
in Xi'an.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Eggeler took over the DGM working group Mechanical Material Behavior at High Temperatures for a four-year term in October 1995. Since 1999 he has been a member of the advisory committee of the DGM (German Materials Society).

Honorary Member - Japanese Society for Materials (1998)
Prof. em. Dr.Ing. E. Hornbogen was appointed an honorary member of the Japanese Society for Materials.

Buehler Prize (1998)
The Buehler Prize went to Dipl.-Ing. G. Baumeister, Dr.-Ing. B. Skrotzki and Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Eggeler for the best essay in the magazine Praktische Metallographie of the year 1997 (G. Baumeister, B. Skrotzki, G. Eggeler, Target preparation of laser affected surface regions in quasicrystal-forming alloys, Prakt. Met., 34 (1997) pp. 376-391).

Editorial board of technical periodicals
In this reporting period, Dr. Eggeler also became a member of the editorial boards of Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Materials Science, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Key Reader), Transactions of the Japanese Institute of Metals (European editor), Advanced Engineering Materials, Z. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Archives of Materials Science (Poland).

Heinrich Kost Prize (1997)
The awarding of the Heinrich Kost Prize 1996 went to Dr.Ing. M. Mertmann for his doctoral work "NiTi shape memory alloys for actuators in gripping technology".

Honorary Doctorate (1996)
Prof. em. Dr.Ing. E. Hornbogen was so recognized by the University of Miskolc in Hungary.